1. About Us
  2. Thoughts behind the company name and logo

Thoughts behind the company name and logo

As technical professionals, we are able to propose the best solutions and continue to be a trusted partner.

With this meaning in mind, we aim to expand our business and grow into a truly global company,
In August 2006, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of our founding, we changed our name from "Toyo Bussan Co., Ltd." to "TECHNO ASSOCIE Co., Ltd."

The word "Associate" was coined from the word "Associete," which means "to tie together" or "to cooperate" (The word "Associate" is derived from the Latin words "as (to)" and "socius (companion)").

The tagline "Connect, Communicate and Create" expresses our characteristics and attitude.
 "Connecting" an extensive network
 "Communicate" the best proposals to our customers
 Creating new products (value) by integrating the technologies and products of our suppliers (seeds) with the needs of our customers (needs).
